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2006~2010Your current location:Home page > 2006~2010

Congratulate to Y&L lighting identified as high-tech enterprise

Recently, Y&L was adopted the"Shanghai High-Tech Enterprise" certificate which affirms theinnovation, the development and other achievements we have made through thelast year.


Since 2008, we have totally gained eight national technologypatents. Best of all, the intellectual property rights of the ceramic metalhalide lamp electrode components we have owned has already reached the world'sadvanced levels. It shows that Y&L has mastered the most advancedtechnology in this field. It is also a technology conforming to the trends ofenergy-saving production; and thus, our experience has became a successful caseto encourage Chinese enterprises to establish the independent intellectualproperty rights.


Besides, in order to maintain the confidentiality of technology,some of our innovation did not choose to patent, but apply a National NoveltyAuthentication. It avoids the open of our technology, but also shows ourspecific strength. Many equipments and technologies certified through theNational Novelty Authentication, such as the ball-shaped electrode formingtechnology, tungsten rod surface treatment process, etc.


Today, more than 300 domestic and worldwide enterprises areusing Y&L's products. Their trust is based on our technological innovationand quality system. These are our commitment and guarantee to our customers forall the time.