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2011~2013Your current location:Home > 2011~2013

Y&L Granted as Shanghai Model Unit

On April 11, 2011, Y&L is granted as Shanghai Model Unit(2009-2010) by the municipal government, which is the sixth consecutive win.


The validation for Model Units is held biennially, whichrepresents the comprehensive quality of the company and the employees. In thepast years, Y&L continuously perfects the company rules, innovates themanagement, develops the enterprise culture, optimizes the techniques, enlargesthe markets, improves the team-building, etc., and becomes more competitive.


In the last year, led by the top management, Y&L started aprogram to promote the enterprise culture including various training andactivities, which reached huge success. This year, in addition to continuingthis program, Y&L will take many other activities to improve management,such as to intensify 5S Program…, to strengthen the company's sustainabledevelopment capability.